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95 Years Strong.

This year, the Oklahoma Pecan Grower’s Association is celebrating 95 years of service to our Oklahoma pecan industry! We will continue to strive to better our pecan industry through education and research for many more years to come. OPGA wouldn’t be what it is today without the loyalty and support of our members!


Over the past 95 years, OPGA has funded numerous research projects that have benefited the Oklahoma pecan industry, totaling over $200,000 in grant money. None of that would have been possible without donations from our membership.

Read about a few research projects OPGA has supported over the past 95 years.

For our 95th Anniversary, help OPGA continue to benefit the Oklahoma pecan industry through education and research by becoming a 95 Years Strong Supporter!


Donate $95 for the 95 years that the Oklahoma Pecan Growers Association has been established to ensure that we can continue to grow our pecan industry!

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Thank You 95 Years Strong Supporters.

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