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Everything from educational classes & videos to downloadable forms. 



Pecan Management

A Calendar for Pecan Growers HLA-6200

Pecan Varieties for Oklahoma HLA-6201

Starting Pecan Trees HLA-6207

Improving Native Pecan Groves HLA-6208

Fertilizing Pecan & Fruit Trees HLA-6232

Training Pecan Trees HLA-6245

Establishing a Pecan Orchard HLA-6247

Use of Legumes in Pecan Orchards HLA-6250

Pecan Crop Load Management HLA-6251

Weed Control in Pecans, Apples and Peaches CR-6242

Grafting & Propagation

Collecting and Storing Pecan Propagation Wood HLA-6217

Bark Grafting Pecans HLA-6204

Four-Flap Grafting of Pecans HLA-6230

Whip and Tongue Grafting Pecans HLA-6205

Patch Budding Pecans HLA-6206


Managing Pecans in the Home Landscape HLA-6260

Diagnosis & Management of Salinity Issues Download

2018 Pecan Tree Nursery List

The 2018 list of nurseries offering pecan cultivars.

This list does not imply the endorsement of listed suppliers by OPGA or discrimination against unlisted suppliers. This list is for educational purposes only.

Leaf Analysis Standards for Pecan

Leaf analysis standards and recommendations for pecans.

This list does not imply the endorsement of listed suppliers by OPGA or discrimination against unlisted suppliers. This list is for educational purposes only.

Sprayer Calibrations for Pecans

Leaf analysis standards and recommendations for pecans.

This list does not imply the endorsement of listed suppliers by OPGA or discrimination against unlisted suppliers. This list is for educational purposes only.

2022 Graftwood Source List

A list of vendors who can provide you graftwood for any grafting you are planning.

This list does not imply the endorsement of listed suppliers by OPGA or discrimination against unlisted suppliers. This list is for educational purposes only.

Pecan Pocket Guide

A Pocket Guide to Oklahoma Pecan Diseases, Insects, and Other Disorders. This guide represents the most common pests of pecans in Oklahoma. Other pests may also exist but are infrequent or isolated in occurrence. It is important for pecan producers to scout their orchards or groves frequently and observe disease and insect problems. Early identification can reduce negative impacts on tree health and productivity.



Thank you to the Oklahoma State Pecan Management, Noble Research Institute, and others for providing great videos on how to navigate the pecan world.

Informational Videos
The Facination of DNA -1920



American Pecan Council Visit Here.

U.S. Pecan Growers Council Visit Here.

Oklahoma State Pecan Management Visit Here.

Noble Research Institute Visit Here.

National Pecan Shellers Association Visit Here.

Peanut and Tree Nut Processors Association Visit Here.

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